You are able to continue calling at 9 tenge only towards all destinations throughout Kazakhstan! Make on-net calls, calls to numbers of mobile operators of Kazakhstan, to PSTN numbers! Single price from the 1st minute! The tariff operates throughout Kazakhstan, for this reason there is no need to change the number as soon as you leave the territory of your region for the reason that the conditions of the tariff have been changed.

Signing up to the Tariff Plan can be done through a written application filed with the Kcell Center or the sales executive of Kcell.

Cost of signing up: 0 ₸.

Subscriber fee: 500 ₸/month.

Outgoing calls
Destination Price, ₸, VAT inclusive*
within the corporate group**: 0
on-net mobile calls: 9
other mobile networks within Republic of Kazakhstan: 9
to PSTN: 9
Billing increment - 1 sec
SMS sending Price, ₸, VAT inclusive*
on-net mobile calls: 6,84
other mobile networks within Republic of Kazakhstan: 6,84
international Standard rate
Mobile Internet
Traffic Price, ₸, VAT inclusive*
1 MB 20,16
Rounding - 1 KB

* The cost of services is valid on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

** Corporate Group is a group of subscriber numbers registered to a Corporate Subscriber (a legal entity or a private entrepreneur who have signed a mobile services agreement).

If tariff is activated any time during the month, the fee will be prorated by the number of days remaining in that month (including activation date). The full amount of the tariff fee will be collected on the 1st of each month after midnight, Astana time, subject to sufficient account balance (PAYG billing) or credit limit (postpaid billing). The due time may vary up to several hours. Until the fee has been collected, calls between the corporate group members will be charged at the 7 tg/min rate until the tariff fee is paid. When account balance or credit limit is sufficient to cover the tariff fee, it will be collected and prorated by the number of days remaining in that month (including payment date).