«Kcell» JSC details

Funds transfer to bank account

You can transfer any amount you want to one of the bank accounts of Kcell.

Please, make sure the following details are indicated in your payment order:

Payment purpose code – 852 (Payment for cell phone services)

KBE – 17

Payment purpose: Payment of the cell phone bill for mobile number (format: +7701*2111599) or invoice # (format: *11000000933 of 31.01.2023) Please, don’t type more spaces or use any symbols/№/hyphens.


If your payment is to be distributed between two or more mobile accounts, please fill in the Electronic Register

Our banking details


Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC

40, Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty А26М3К5, BIC HSBKKZKX


Tenge accounts


KZ406017131000016045 KZT

KZ676010131000050732 KZT


Foreign currency accounts


KZ256010131000262075 USD

KZ826017131000037211 EUR

KZ376017131000035984 GBP

KZ076017131000047388 RUB


Citibank Kazakhstan JSC

41а, Kazybek Bi str., Almaty 050100, BIC CITIKZKA


Tenge account


KZ3783201T0200029003 KZT


Foreign currency accounts


KZ3783201D0200029011 USD

KZ7083201R0200029089 EUR

KZ7283201P0200029054 GBP

KZ1483201B0200029038 RUB


Other banks


Bereke Bank JSC

30/26 Gogol str. / Kaldayakov str., Almaty 050010, BIC BRKEKZKA


Tenge account

KZ14914398914BC03046 KZT


Bank Center Credit JSC

156, Bogenbay Batyr str., Almaty 050012, BIC KCJBKZKX


Tenge account

KZ358560000000100922 KZT

VAT registration certificate

Certificate of state registration of Kcell JSС

Certificate of registration of Kcell JSC as a tax payer in the RK

It is also recommended that you read cl. 3.2.4.-4 of the Public Mobile Services Agreement.